Sunday, July 26, 2009

Adventures in Ohio

Addie and I just got back from Ohio.  We sure had a pleasant time.  We got to visit with lots of relatives we had never met before.  They are such fun people!  Addie and I saw some Amish farmers and took a picture of them while on the road.  Such a interesting group of people.  We visited at Grandma Maxine's house and took pictures of Addie in front of the corn and bean field.  Addie was such a sweetheart with all the new people and friends that we made.  Addie and I slept in an RV every night.  She slept through the night every night.  Oh by the way her arm is doing much better and we will have pictures of it up soon.  We flew back this morning about 6 am.  The flight was great and we had an empty seat to ourselves.  She slept through most of the flight and the people around us were nothing but complimentary of her behavior.  Ohio was fun but we are glad to be home with our Daddy and hubby.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Astros Game

Going to the Stros game tonight!  Thank you Mom!  love you.

This picture was take by Mamaw 26, Addie's grandma, Mamaw, Mimi, Nan, Nana, Mammy, know......:)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

just before the rain

just before the rain today

A Boo Boo Update

Addie is recovering well.  the doctor visit was yesterday and Doctor Gordon said that the top part is ready to get some air but the bottom part needs about two more days to have the prescription sauv on it before starting to air out.  She is still doing wonderful and you would never know she burnt herself other than she looks like a boxing champ.  We see the doctor again on Thursday and will re-evaluate then.  Addie can leave the dressing off for an hour to start with on Monday.  More update soon to come.  Love yall and thank you for your support.  It has been tuff!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Addie has a boo boo

I take full responsibility for it.  Addie and I were in the bathroom and she pulled my hair straightener off the counter by the cord and it fell on her.  It was on and really hot.  I can never forgive myself.  she is fine as you can see.  But, second degree burns from her right hand knuckles to almost her elbow and on the underside from her wrist to almost her elbow.  Jared and I are changing her dressings twice a day and we see the doctor tomorrow.  More update soon to come.  It is hard to get a good picture of it because is so mobile now.  I'm sorry, please forgive me and I will update you soon.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

This evening

this evening we started off frantic to get a couple of things done and quickly realized that things will take care of themselves and just enjoyed being a family.  here are some sweet videos of our family time tonight.  Addie is learning to kiss....not really but she opens her mouth and runs into your face.  We like to go outside in our yard and sit on a blanket about seven o'clock and the heat isn't beating down on us.  Our grass is coming in nice and green thanks to Jared and the good Lord.  Jared has been working really hard on our yard.  Addie and I have been spending our days together but recently she has developed a habit of following me into other rooms and wining if she can't see me or be near me.  I don't enjoy that but she is teething right now.  It is such a joy to see her change day to day.  I never realized how hard it is to be a stay at home mom.  I love it and her every day. Oh, and this morning she found a june bug on my kitchen floor and took a bite out of it.  She got quiet and when i looked around she was chewing on something.  Quickly after the finger sweep I had a drenched june bug in my hand covered in slobber.  Addie looked at me like Mom, what's your deal?  anywho, enjoy and we will visit again soon.