I'm loving every minute of this time Addison and I are having together. It's amazing the things we can get done without work or graduate school in the way. We have the house as clean as i have ever seen it and the car was inspected today. My goal is to take her to the pool every day and try to go to the gym. So far we have. Lifetime has an indoor pool and we have been going from 10 am to around 10:45. Addison sees her daddy and then we also take advantage of the family locker rooms there with complimentary shampoo and conditioner. We have been having a great time. I noticed that now that we are swimming every day she naps longer and most of the time goes to bed earlier. I like it. I will post videos soon of her swimming or at least jumping in. She has no fear of the water and is comfortable going under with her eyes open. She likes to float on her back and we are trying to get her to kick her legs and paddle with her arms. The video uploading is of Jared and Addie playing. The pictures of Addie are of a dress I bought her when she was an infant. It looks really easy to make. My mom is going to try and tackle it and hopefully she can show me how afterwards. She is a talented woman! We bought fabric for Addison's dress yesterday and I was so thrilled when we checked out the fabric didn't cost more than four dollars. I will post the finished product when all is said and done.
You should check out the local library as well for something to do. We started going to story time today and it was a black light puppet show. Pretty cool and Cameron loved it!
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You should check out the local library as well for something to do. We started going to story time today and it was a black light puppet show. Pretty cool and Cameron loved it!
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