Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rodeo Houston 2011

Jared took Addie and I to the rodeo yesterday. Addie rode the poney after crying and wasn't going to. Peer pressure. She saw two boys hop on and yell yee haw and just had to try it again. It was a great day. I'm almost 6 months pregnant and Addie being 2 years we didn't stay long. We got there at 9am and were done by noon. We saw cows, brahmas, steers, horses, and lots of calves. We met a rodeo clown that was really nice and just enjoyed walking around the livestock show. Addie was approached several times with owners of cows asking if she wanted to pet them or brush them but she was not interested. Addie stayed in her stroller more this year...surprising I know. Jared and I enjoyed the rodeo food. He ate a potatoe and pulled pork sundae. Weird but he loved it. I stuck to breakfast tacos. Jared bought Addison a large cookie but really it was a cookie cake. Her favorite thing to do at the rodeo irronically was riding the open air shuttle too and from the parking lot. It was like a train of go carts. She did wonderful. It was a great day and great company. Next year we will have our hands even more full. Addison was asleep in the car before we were out of the parking lot and well I was soon after that. Poor daddy.

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