We are really blessed by the help and support from friends and family that have helped put our new house together. It is a nice house, more pictures to come but we haven't found the camera cord yet. I know where it is but it is in a stack of boxes. We just yesterday have internet and tv. Jared has done a great job or trying to make our move as easy as possible. Our car is acting out again so we will see what the Lord has in store for our family vehicle. Addison has taken to staying home with mom well but still likes to go see daddy at work and play in childcare. She started her big girl bed the night we got here in Carrollton and has only tried to get out once....cross my fingers. Jared did a great job of being theatrical about it on the five hour drive up here. By the time she got here she was all wound up about it. We have had a lot of rain the last four days since our coming here. Our ac went not completely out on Saturday but not as great as it could have been. The rain has been a real blessing with the temperature. Then last night tornadoes came through Dallas and we had a local tornado siren go off. We all hunkered down in the guest bath room. Addison thought it was quite exciting since it was bed time. Our new doctor is really sweet. Very peppy and enthusiastic. Jesse Miles is still measuring on schedule and I still say I'm not making to Independence Day. The doctor took measurements and a sonogram of Jesse's heartbeat. So of course then Addison wanted her tummy measured and her heartbeat checked. She climbed up on the table and lifted her shirt up. Really funny.
So all in all we are doing well, just settling in. I'm becoming domesticated and enjoying it. We get up and make Jared's breakfast with Addison and lunch for the day. Then we send him off for the day and visit once during work.
On a side note Addison calls baby powder now OOOh Oooh monkey butt because of her pawpaw. Makes anyone laugh in the room and ask, "What did she say?" But she prefers baby powder fresh in her diaper. That's next on our list hopefully before Jesse gets here.
Have a wonderful week and pictures to come.